Hi there…!
How to be better in bed has one goal: To help you become a better lover.
What I do here at “How to be Better in Bed” is provide you with simple to learn tips and skills on how you can master the art of sex and pleasing your lover(s).
The main focus of this website will be on helping men to become better lovers. I know that a lot of women read this website, which is fantastic and I appreciate your interest and point of view. But, as a man myself, I feel that I am best able to help other men. To all my women readers: Feel free to pass on tips to your man or point your man to this website!
Becoming an excellent lover just takes a desire to please your partner and the willingness to invest a little time and practice. Not everything here will speak directly to your personality (or that of your lover!) We are all very different, which is what makes making love so exciting. There is just so much to explore about what your lover likes, needs, and desires.
How to Be Better in bed is all about giving you the skills you need to enjoy a fulfilled sex life. Making love. Having that deep indulgent sex that leaves both you and your partner feeling fully satisfied with a life together with each other.
Below are my latest posts. If you are hungry for more, click on weekly tips.
Stay safe, have fun.

Sex 101 #002 – Practice With A Condom
In “Sex 101 #001 – Sex, My First Time” I talked about my disastrous first time having sex. One of the mistakes that I had made before my first time, was struggling with the condom. Of course, condoms are important to anyone who does not want to catch a sexual disease or pay child support…
Sex 101 #001 – Sex, My First Time…
My First Time I was a bit of a late starter when it came to sex. Both of my (younger) brothers had lost their virginity before I lost mine. A memory that I am less than proud of was having my brothers (loudly) discussing my “Richard Branson Airlines” status whilst sitting down to dinner during…
#008 – Bounty Hunter
Going shopping with your partner is not top of the list of fun activities for most men. Speaking for myself, I like to go into a shop, buy what I want and then go home again. Browsing. Trying on 15 items that I am probably never going to buy is just not my idea of…